“Science is a state of mind considerably more than it is a group of information, this quote introduces the origin and development of ADSO Naturals Private Limited. The era of emergence of nutrients as medicines is of great importance and draws attention of scientists and researchers towards the appreciable benefits. The history and discovery has explored many facts about the remarkably profound therapeutic activities of such agents.
ADSO Naturals have developed a boutique of nutraceutical products which possesses nutritional value along with the medicinal properties. This special feature, besides providing good health, leads to management and prevention of certain diseases. With advancements in the qualitative and quantitative determining parameters, the requisition of these quality products have been found to be amplified. ADSO Naturals have implemented interdisciplinary approaches to design and develop various dosage forms to deliver these herbal products relative to their applications.
We have an alert, active and enticing marketing team with enviable ideas and strategies supported by an equally competent research & development group with innovative ideas and transnational capabilities for evolving creative solutions for product and process development. This has elevated ADSO Naturals to an iconic position in natural product research and nutraceuticals.