Erwin India private limited For more than 30 years, erwin Data Modeler (DM) has been the first choice of CDOs, CIOs, data architects and other IT professionals. Government agencies and the most discerning financial institutions, retailers and healthcare companies around the world have depended on us to power their mission-critical applications. But weve evolved. Our proven track record and the opportunity to become a preeminent player in the data space led Parallax Capital Partners to purchase erwin and establish it as a private, stand-alone company in March 2016. Since then, weve acquired enterprise architecture company Corso, business process modeling/management company Casewise, data harvesting technology and data governance consulting services company A&P Consulting, and metadata management and data governance company AnalytiX DS. These acquisitions, along with significant R&D, have culminated in the only data governance software platform with integrated capabilities for enterprise modeling, data cataloging and data literacy. The erwin EDGE creates an enterprise data governance experience that facilitates collaboration between IT and the business to discover, understand, govern and socialize data both at rest and in motion. Data scientist, data steward, ETL developer, enterprise architect, business analyst, compliance officer, CDO, CEO whatever the role, were all data people with more opportunities than ever before to impact our organizations. And from our perspective, data governance drives everything.