FusionVR is a Value-Driven Organisation delivering Premium Industry 4.0 Emerging-Technological services to Domestic and International clients from Govt and Private Sectors
FusionVR is an offspring of Global Institute for Stereovision and Research (GISR) which has vast experience of over a decade in the fields of stereoscopic Imaging, 3Danimation, holography, mocap-systems, and simulation-games.
Entered the Industrial Virtual-Simulation space as early as year 2012 and commercially launched Virtual Reality services for the first time in India during early 2014.
Listed in Forbes-India as “Contributors in Shaping Modern India
Listed in “20 Most Promising Virtual Reality Solution Providers – 2018 - by Silicon India.
One of our major initiatives ImmeX-Zone was the first ever commercially launched real immersive VR product in India and Singapore during Yr 2014 where we have developed an indigenous VR-HMD and a Dynamic Haptics & Effects integrated Simulation-Platform for an ultimate VR-Experience of that time.