About HCL Foundation
HCL Foundation (HCLF) was established in 2011 as the CSR arm of HCL Technologies. It is a not for-profit- organization, that strives to contribute towards national and international development goals, bringing about lasting positive impact in the lives of people, through long term sustainable programs. The foundation aims to alleviate poverty and achieve inclusive growth and development.
The Foundation aims to alleviate poverty and achieve inclusive growth and development. Active community engagement ensures optimal long-term gains and upward accountability. HCL Foundation works through Life Cycle Based, Integrated Community Development Approach with thematic focus on Education, Health, Skill Development & Livelihood, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction & Response. Child protective strategies, inclusion and gender transformative approaches remain central in all initiatives of HCL Foundation, thus ensuring comprehensive development.
Our integrated approach places the communities at the very center of our efforts. We believe in the power of collective action and work closely with communities, both in urban and rural geographies in India, as well as globally. Recognizing them as active citizens who script their destiny, we see them as partners in change rather than passive beneficiaries.
Presently HCL Foundation is implementing four flagship programs, namely HCL Samuday & HCL Grant Rural Development initiatives, HCL Uday – an Urban Development Initiative and Power of 1 – HCL’s volunteer engagement program. Details for all these programs can be found on our website – https://www.hclfoundation.org/
Credibility Transparency Accountability Outreach to the Unreached Sustainability & ScalabilityVISION
To be the source code for sustainable socio economic development.
Nurture clean, green and healthy communities where everyone is empowered and equipped to reach their full potential in full engagement with our employees and partners, showcasing and establishing international standards of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation in community development.
Link to Videos:
HCL Foundation Video – https://youtu.be/GW9oTI28BuQ
HCL Uday Video – https://youtu.be/hGlrFI7qlR0
HCL Uday Program
HCL Foundation’s flagship urban community development program - UDAY, seeks to create ‘green, clean, healthy and empowered communities’. Aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, it is developing an integrated solution to break the vicious cycle of urban poverty.
Defining Uday’s approach is its intrinsic belief that urban poor aspire to a life of dignity and self- respect. With the right opportunities, every individual has the potential to take charge of their lives, dare to imagine a different future and work towards it. Echoed across all interventions under Uday, this belief sets the community on the path of resilience and success. Our strategies are carefully designed, such that, they speak both to their environment and to their ambitions.
Uday’s unique ‘Convergence’ approach brings this philosophy to life. Uniting critical stakeholders– the state, non-profits and HCL volunteers in a rich partnership, it meets its responsibility to the community and supports them in realizing their dreams. HCL Employee engagement and participation is a key lever that spans across all programs.
‘Uday’ defined by 3 C’s:
Comprehensive: the intervention targets critical areas of a person’s well-being - health, education, sports, livelihoods and skilling, environment, disaster reduction and sports for change.
Continuous: takes a life-cycle approach. Uday walks with the community through all stages – infancy, early childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age.
Collaborative: taking the approach of convergence, it brings communities, non-profits, local and district governments and HCL employees together, leveraging the strength of each stakeholder for the greater good.
The 3 C’s combine to create the source code of Uday
Uday works in the immediate neighborhoods of HCL across 11 cities where HCL has a presence. Currently being implemented in partnership with like-minded organizations, HCL Uday is now poised to scale – both in terms of depth of the intervention as well as scale of its reach.
Under its Environment thematic ‘Harit - The Green Spaces Initiatives’; HCL Foundation is committed towards conservation of environment and the indigenous flora and fauna; with the primary objective to conserve, restore and enhance local ecosystems and respond to climate change in a sustainable manner through community engagement. We have successful existing partnership models on mass afforestation and water bodies rejuvenation in various cities across India.
In an attempt to protect the natural environment, HCL Foundation works towards sustainable development of our ecosystem.
Till now, HCL Foundation have planted 131,000+ saplings planted on 46.6 Ha area with more than 90% survival rate, 71 waterbodies being rejuvenated with an increased water holding capacity of 2 Mill cu.m., 114 tons of CO2e sequestered/ emission reduced, running a campaign to revive coastal ecosystem in Chennai. Through our outreach and environment education program we have reached to more than 20,000 people pan India.