51 years old CA FIRM with Head Office at South Delhi, Branches at Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Kanpur, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru & Bhopal and All India Network Locations having diversified exposure in various types of Audits e.g. Concurrent Audit of Banks & Companies, Statutory Audits of bank branches, Mystery Shopping, Stock & Book Debts Audits, Internal Audits of Listed companies, Statutory / Internal Audit of Large Government Co’s, Investigative Audits, Forensic Audits, Circulation Audits of Leading Newspapers, Inventory Audits (four wheelers), NGO Audits on behalf of Granting Institutions, Due Diligence, RCU Audits, Taxation & Co. Law, MCA Filing & Representation etc.