Kusum Healthcare is a young & dynamic pharmaceutical company having two manufacturing units, one each in India (Bhiwadi- Rajasthan) and Ukraine (Sumi). Both these manufacturing units are WHO GMP and PIC/s certified.
Company has team of more than 1660 employees working at various locations with 15 of them being PhD and 241 MD€™s
With head office in Delhi- India, Kusum has representative offices and full-fledged operations with complete sales, marketing, logistics and distribution setup in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan Moldova,Tajikistan, and Myanmar.
Kusum is number 1 Indian pharmaceutical manufacturer in terms of sales in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
KHPL has an enviable track record and success rate with new product launches and almost all products rank among top 3 in their respective segments in Ukraine, Uzbekistan &Kazakhastan.
Company has own formulation R& D centre at Bhiwadiwhich is recognised by Ministry of Science and Technology Government of India.
Kusum has strong regulatory team to provide dossiers in eCTD and ACTD formats. Currently more than 100 dossiers are available.
Apart from the countries listed above KHPL products are registered in Vietnam, Philippines, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan with list of registered products growing every year.
KHPL products range is designed to cater to the requirements of almost all major specialties such as Gynaecology, Orthopaedic, Dermatology, General medicine, Rheumatology, Neurology, Gastroenterology, Nephrology, and Urology etc.
KHPL has started marketing operations in India in the year 2012.
In india it is currently operating in 4 major states with presence in over 120 Hqs and a field strength of around 150+. The organisation is on a growth path & looks forward to a Pan India presence in near future.
The company is also working towards having another manufacturing facility in Indore in near future.
It is in view of this futuristic outlook that we are looking forward to associations to further consolidate & grow our talent pool.