Re Sustainability Limited (RESL) formerly called Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd., is one of Asia’s leading providers of comprehensive environment management services. RESL offers a whole gamut of environmental services and infrastructure solutions under various categories such as Waste Management – hazardous, municipal, bio medical, MAR POL, construction waste & e-waste; Waste to Energy; Recycling – waste water, paper, plastic and integrated waste; Environmental Solutions such as remediation, ETPs and waste water treatment; Automated car park management and Facilities Management. RESL has a growing global footprint, including over 60 operating locations spread across India, Singapore, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and Tanzania.
RESL manages approximately 6 million tonnes per annum of municipal solid waste in 21 cities spread across India. RESL manages over 1 million tonnes per annum of industrial hazardous waste. RESL is the pioneer in this sector and operates 18 Industrial Waste Management Facilities distributed over 12 states across India and the Middle East. Our Biomedical waste management footprint has facilities in 20 cities across India, servicing more than 340,000 hospital beds and 30,000 health care establishments. RESL is also at the forefront in managing and recycling emerging waste streams in a new and growing India. As an example, RESL today operates 5 construction and Demolition (C&D) waste recycling facilities in India, all of which have been made operational last year.
RESL has been at the forefront of its field with many credits to its name including constructing the first United States EPA standard landfill in India, operationalising the largest waste to energy plant in India and converting a waste dump with 15+ million tonnes of municipal solid waste spread over 300+ acres into a scientifically capped landfill to protect the environment.
RESL is committed to ensuring that its operations comply with the applicable laws, regulation and statutory provisions as per HSE. With over 25 years of operational history, RESL has a dominant presence across the entire waste value chain and has been a long-standing partner in the environmental solutions space to its customers.