THG PUBLISHING PRIVATE LIMITED The Hindu, English-language daily newspaper published in Chennai (Madras), generally regarded as one of India's most influential dailies. Established in 1878 as a weekly, The Hindu became a daily in 1889. While India was under British rule, the paper spoke out for independence-but in a moderate vein. After India achieved independence in 1947, The Hindu built a network of foreign bureaus while extending its coverage of India. The Hindu is distinguished for its comprehensive coverage of national and international political news and for its emphasis on accuracy and balanced coverage. The Hindu's reportage and editorials are read carefully and taken seriously in the nationwide. At the beginning of the 21st century, its daily circulation exceeded 1200,000. The newspaper's parent company, Hindu Group Publications, also publishes The Hindu Business Line, a daily business paper, and popular magazines such as Frontline and Sportstar and more. KSL Digital is a newly formed division of the 139 years old KSL group, to focus on creating and scaling up innovative businesses in the internet, mobile and social media space. A core team of talented and well qualified professionals is being put together with cross-functional skills including digital product development, technology and marketing. This should be an exciting and entrepreneurial career option for someone with experience and passion in the consumer digital space