Vedic Lifesciences: incorporated in the year 2000 is a technology-driven contract research organization (CRO), serves as a market leader for incorporating science into product development thereby providing scientific acumen to the health and wellness industry. At the twilight of the second decade, Vedic Lifesciences boasts of completing more than 400 clinical & Pre-Clinical studies in compliance with international regulations. Our clinical trial designs are fully aligned with the FDA and FTC standards for human studies. Website:
Enovate Biolife: develops and supplies patented, clinically proven, high-quality botanical-origin Nutraceutical Ingredients to USA, Canada, and Europe since 2009. Our current and pipeline offerings are mainly in sports and fitness, cardiovascular, joint health, men's health & active lifestyle. Enovate enjoys relationships with the leading names in the dietary supplement industry who supply either through mass retail, specialty chains, MLM, practitioners or TV infomercials. Website:
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