An electrocardiogram technician performs an ECG by attaching electrodes to a patient and then pulling switches on an ECG machine to trace electrical impulses transmitted by the heart. A doctor then inspects these readings to analyze the patient's heart condition.
ECG technicians also might perform stress tests. This involves hooking up a patient to an ECG monitor for a baseline reading and then monitoring the patient's heart while he or she exercises on a treadmill. During the monitoring period, the treadmill speeds up and slows down to produce ECG readings at multiple levels of physical exertion.
With advanced training, ECG technicians can administer Holter monitoring tests. With this procedure, the technician attaches an ECG monitor to a patient, then allows the patient to go about his or her normal routine for a 24-hour period. Next, the electrocardiogram technician removes the monitor and takes it to a scanner, from which he or she can print out the data recorded by the machine.
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