In-house Repairs or On-Site Service Calls
Concrete Boom Pump Repairs Small Line Trailer Pump Repairs Wear Parts Replacement Cylinder Rebuilds Hydraulic Pump Replacements Sand-Blast, Painting & New Decals Service Get Back to Pumping ASAP - Exclusive JED Parts Take-Off Software Repairing pumps with bad engines.To determine how severe the engine damage is, look for clues in:If you Exactly Fit into this Vacancy SLOT ie if your CP (Candidate Profile) & JD ( Job Description) matches at least 75% with the CP & JD we have mentioned in this email & various other Criteria /Yardsticks of the profile for this position kindly phone us -+91-9987773383or +91-9987773***
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GOLDSTAR ENTERPRISE-(Skill Evaluation Engineers,Trade Testing Specialists, HR Consultants,Overseas Career Counsellors & International Placement Experts) GOLDSTAR ENTERPRISE is in the Profession of International Placements, HR Consultancy,Skill Evaluation,Trade Testing, Overseas Careers Counsel...