SDET - JAVA + Selenium + Appium (Mandatory) - Automation testing
For a Leading Testing and QA firm in Noida
Budget 12 Lakhs
QA / Testing Engineer / Manager - Automation+ Appium
Experience: 3 - 6 years of experience as SDET
Must Have Skills: Detailed Job Description: Candidate must have excellent hands on
experience on the following skill set.
Hands-on Experience
1) Core Java -
a) Data structures such as Arrays, Collections, Enumerations, Dictionary objects, etc.,
b) Design patterns such as POM (Page Object Model)
c) Reading and writing to different file formats such as Excel, JSON, property files
d) debugging skills
e) good knowledge of coding guidelines and best practices
2) Selenium - Experience in the creation of library functions and the creation of an automation
framework from scratch.
a) usage of locators (namely id, name, className, tagName, link text, partial link text, CSS
selector and XPath) && advance techniques to write xpath
b) page synchronization methodologies
a) Create test execution batches
b) Configure desired capabilities to target execution on a given browser
c) Configure for parallel test execution
4) usage of Extent / Allure reports
5) Appium hands on Mobile test automation of Android & iOS applications (Perfecto / Sause Labs / AWS Device Farm)
6) CI / CD Jenkins
7) Usage of version Control Tools - GIT Hub / Bit Bucket
Good to Have
8) API Testing - REST Assured, POJOs, Jackson
9) QA Process
a) Bug life cycle
b) project life cycle (Agile - Scrum)
10) QA Metrics
11) Test Management Tools - JIRA / ALM
12) Good Communication && Excellent Problem solving
13) Behavior Driven Testing - Cucumber Framework
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