We are looking for the candidate who can write clean,fast code in front end and Back end to a high standard,in a timely and scalable way
Producing detailed specifications
Troubleshooting,testing and maintaining the core product software and databases
Write clean,well-designed code
Produce detailed specifications
Troubleshoot,test and maintain the core product software and databases to ensure strong
optimization and functionality
Contribute in all phases of the development life cycle
Follow industry best practices
Develop and deploy new features to facilitate related procedures and tools if necessary
Proven software development experience of minimumof2+years.
Demonstrable knowledge of Word Press CMS, Angular, Node, ReactJS, AngularJS and NodeJS,etc.
Good knowledge of relational databases,version control tools and of developing web services
Passion for best design and coding practices and a desire to develop new bold ideas
BS/MS degree in Engineering or a related subject
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