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About Company:Since its inception in 2005, is pioneer in providing online Company Information of India. Fundoodata is amongTop 50 B2Bwebsites & business directories of India.With each passing year Fundoodata has tried to bring innovation and new services which can bring happiness to our customers. Today Fundoodata became leading provider of database of companies. Our B2B database services rely on transparency, integrity, consistency, commitment, respect & credibility. We help in generating most qualified sales leads by connecting to key executives. Today we have long list of happy customers who flourished their business by using our high quality business database. With a website traffic of 8 million visitors per year, we are trusted by12,000+happy customers who have taken advanced features benefit & increased their sales leads.
Job Role: Sr. HR Executive
Experience: 2 to 4 Years of experience
Employment Type: Full-time
Qualification: MBA in HR or Any graduate with Recruitment experience
Salary: 2.16 LPA to 3 LPA
Job Location: Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
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