Securely Attach Scaffolds to Larger Structures
Its the vital responsibility of scaffold builders to build safe scaffolding that stays connected to a large building or structure. They set base anchors and install cross braces, ladders, and guardrails that allow others to work at various heights. Scaffold builders must assemble scaffolds according to federal safety requirements concerning the erection and disassembly of scaffolds.
Coordinate Transport of Heavy Materials
Safely hoisting and lowering materials onto and off of the scaffold during erection and dismantling is a key duty of scaffold builders. They conduct work in a logical and organized fashion. Their job is to anticipate their crews next move. Scaffold builders often work with crane operators to properly rig material onto platforms using equipment such as slings and cables.
Assemble Piping Systems
Scaffold builders assist in the assembly of pipe spools and pipefittings. They often work with welders in this process. Pipe scaffolding is a common framework used in the construction and renovation of hotels, condominiums, office buildings, schools, and colleges.
Complete Visual Equipment Inspections
Scaffold builders complete daily visual inspections and light maintenance to guarantee that equipment is working properly. Their job is to notify supervisors of any damage, breakdowns, or safety issues. Scaffold builders must report all personnel injuries without delay after an accident.
Interpret Blueprints and Work Orders
Scaffold builders must accurately interpret and apply information from job orders, work orders, blueprints, sketch drawings, and other blueprint documents. They also submit time cards and correctly complete any additional paperwork thats required.
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