Arranging appointments with doctors and pharmacists, which may include pre-arranged appointments or regular calling.
Meet the number of Doctor and Chemist calls per day as decided by respective divisions as per company policy.
Making presentations (detailing) to doctors, specialists, etc.
Do chemist survey to ensure availability of products.
Regular follow up with doctors, Specialist and Hospital Doctors etc.
Ensure 100% implementation of strategy and campaigns.
Facilitating Medical conferences.
Ensure proper distribution of samples and promotional scientific materials to selected Doctors.
Building and maintaining positive working relationships with chemist and stockist
Achieving (and exceeding) monthly sales target of your territory.
Planning work schedules and weekly and monthly tour programme. This may involve working with your superiors and HO staff.
Regularly attending company meetings, product launch and briefings.
Ensure on time submission of DCR, expense statement etc. as per company policy.
Ensure on time payment collection and sales and stock data from stockist.
Monitoring competitor activity and competitors' products;
Developing strategies for increasing opportunities and have discussion with Medical Services to resolve Drs queries.
Staying informed about new hospital, poly clinic or doctor in territory.
Perks and Benefits